Golden Precision Training

FFL Transfers
Read the Frequently Asked Questions section to verify that you have everything needed, and that you know all the gun laws for North Carolina.
Firearms transfers come in two flavors:
You purchased a gun from an another gun dealer and want it shipped to us for final transfer to you. Please have your dealer contact us for a copy of our FFL. We regret we cannot accept transfers from non-FFL dealers. FFLs should be sent via email be sent to goldenprecisiontraining@gmail.com.
You want to purchase a firearm from another private party. In order to this legally, you will need to come into the store with the seller. The gun is transferred into our inventory, and out of the seller’s name. You will fill out the federal firearm purchase for and present current identification and, if applicable, permit to purchase. We will verify the background check and, upon successful completion, transfer the firearm to the new owner.
Get started by filling out a transfer form, including all required fields. Please fill in the letters NA if you are unsure about something.
STEP 3. SCHEDULE A TIMe to pick up
We will call you to let you know it has arrived and is ready to pick up, and can then schedule a time that works best for you during business hours.
STEP 4. PICK up your firearm
Simply bring your $20 cash per firearm, and complete all your paperwork. Additional details are provided below in Frequently Asked Questions.
Our fee for firearm transfers come in 3 different packages. We want make this as simple and easy for you as possible, so if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!
Please understand that due to limited storage space, your gun must be picked up within 90 days of its arrival at our store or it may be sold to recover storage costs.

Standard Package - $25
This Package includes the process of the Federal Firearms purchase or Transfer.

On Point Package - $50
In this package you will receive the "Standard Package" along with a Boresnake for the caliber of weapon you purchased or will be receiving. We will also demonstrate how to utilize it for cleaning purposes.

Executive Package - $100
This package will be our all-inclusive option. You will receive the items in the "Standard" and " Spotless" package. But, in this package you will receive a Free Basics of Pistol course that you may use or can be gifted to someone who you would like to learn more about firearms and the basics of firearms.
We have made a list of some of the most common questions we were asked to help to better clarify everything.
If you have a question about anything, please feel free to call us at 704-266-0371 or email us at GoldenPrecisionTraining@gmail.com
FFL Transfers to Golden Precision Training:
Golden Precision Training only accepts transfers from a licensed FFL holder or dealers. We do not provide copies of our Federal Firearms License (FFL) directly to private individuals. No firearms will be released to anyone other than the person named on the receipt shipped with the firearm. The individual who comes in to fill out the 4473 paperwork for the firearm MUST be the actual purchaser of the firearm.
Transfer and Sale of Firearms:
In North Carolina you need these things: A current, valid NC state issued form of identification such as a valid driver’s license and a Purchase Permit obtained from the Sheriff’s Office in your county of residence or a North Carolina Concealed Carry Handgun permit (CCH).
How to Obtain Purchase Permit:
These are good for the purchase of only one handgun, contact your local Sheriff’s Office (or check their website) for details. Depending on the county in which you live this process (which includes a background check) may take several weeks or more.
How to Obtain a Concealed Carry Handgun Permit:
To obtain a CCH in North Carolina, you must complete a required 8-hour NC CCH course (which we offer through Golden Precision Training) including a live-fire shooting qualification, complete the CCH application, and have fingerprints taken and recorded at your local Sheriff’s Office. Depending on the county in which you live this process (which also includes a background check) may take several weeks to several months. A current CCH allows the holder to purchase any number of handguns.
Transfer and Sale of Long Guns:
A current, valid NC state issued form of identification. No permit is necessary. Complete BATF 4473 form must pass a (NICS) background check at the time of transfer. This is performed after completing the 4473 form.
Transfer and Sale of Receivers:
A current, valid NC state issued form of identification. Be 21 years of age (RECERIVERS MARKED PISTOL REQUIRE A PISTOL PURCHASE PERMIT or NC CCW) complete BATF 4473 form must pass a (NICS) background check at the time of transfer.